Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mobile viewing issue resolved

Hey again, it has recently come to my attention due to a comment on my last post here that someone viewing the website couldn't see the menu. I didn't quite understand what they were talking about until I investigated the issue a bit more. Finding out that if you tried to view our website on mobile devices it'd show just the posts that I've listed on here and nothing else...including the calendar, main menu, wine menu, luncheon menu, etc. 

Since a lot of people apparently view our site on mobile devices it posed a very large problem. Luckily, there's apparently a setting hidden away that allowed me to turn off the 'mobile interface' so it defaults to the entire website. Hopefully this will allow more people will be able to see the entire site on their mobile devices and make decisions accordingly on what they want to order. Sorry for the inconvenience

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